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Within the Meadow - The Introduction

Within the Meadow - The Introduction

I finally had a clear vision of why it is I do what I do. Through this shop I have been given the opportunity to touch the hearts of many and to provide comfort and ease for little one’s with my shoes.

It’s been a long time coming, but I am finally committing to writing a blog and am promising to post every Wednesday. This has been a dream of mine for a few years and I’ve finally discovered what it is that causes my heart to overflow with emotion strong enough to put on paper.. or.. screen, if you will.

Before jumping into the deepest parts of my heart, it’s only right for me to introduce myself as many of y’all may not know why I do what I do. Heck, some of y’all may not know what I do at all!

So here it goes.. the introduction.


I’m Crystal, an - almost 30 (GROSS) - year old born and raised in Jersey, living a life with a man I could consider a fairytale, his 2 boys, and our 2 Frenchies. My boyfriend, Guy, and I have been together just over 4 years and since we’ve began, he has been in full support of me following my dream of opening a small shop.

Sometime in 2014, I was scrolling through Pinterest (as most do) and I came to an adorable photo of these black and white striped baby moccasins with the sweetest pink tassels. At this time, I was involved in a 7 year relationship and would have no real reason to need baby shoes nor attempt to make them. However, something in me needed to give it a try. Long story short, I failed miserably and, if I’m being honest, didn’t have the greatest support from my SO at the time, so with a chuckle and a shrug, I gave up almost instantly.

Fast forward through the end of my relationship, landing a new job and finding a fire within me to become something more, I gave those little shoes another go.

Andddddd.. I failed. Again and again. Only this time I didn’t give up. I kept pushing, I purchased, tested and exchanged a bunch of machines. I made the world’s craziest looking shoes, one that I still have in a box in my studio to remember how far I’ve come, and then I did it. I made the one pair that lead my friends and family to help me feel as though I was ready to open up shop!

So that’s what I did! In October of 2015, I opened up my Etsy shop under the named Angel Baby Moccasins and though it didn’t sky rocket right out of the water, a lot of my sales came from people I knew and it helped me to work out the kinks in the beginning.

A few months in and I embarked on the best journey I could’ve imagined - a life with Guy in it.

I’ll save my overly mushy, head over heels, completely in love blog for a later date - but to keep this on track - from the very start of US I knew I wanted everything life has to offer with him.

Since I was little my dream was to be a mother, and having met a man like him it’s like the baby fever just began to run rampant. In 2018 I kept having dreams of us having a baby girl.. and if you haven’t guessed by now, this sweet dream baby girl of ours was named Everleigh Meadow.

Y’all, with every ounce of my being I am yearning to be a mother. I mean every fiber of who I am, every breath I take, if it isn’t every minute of the day it’s every other minute that I am begging the universe to allow me and Guy a daughter. After the second or third dream about Everleigh, I really took a moment to reflect.

I finally had a clear vision of why it is I do what I do. Through this shop I have been given the opportunity to touch the hearts of many and to provide comfort and ease for little one’s with my shoes. The nurturer in me started to realize that while I wait for my big moment.. this shop of mine is my baby. In September of 2018 I rebranded the shop and named it after our dream girl - Everleigh Meadow.


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